The following page documents visual specifications such as color, typography, and structure.
Both the unordered and ordered list variants share the same color properties.
Element | Property | Color token |
Item | text-color |

Example of unordered and ordered list color
List items should use sentence case, that is, only the first word and any proper nouns are capitalized. In IBM product, use the 14px options below. For, use the larger expressive 16px options.
Element | Font-size (px/rem) | Font-weight | Type token |
Item | 14 / 0.875 | Regular / 400 |
Item: nested | 14 / 0.875 | Regular / 400 |
Item (expressive) | 16 / 1 | Regular / 400 |
Item: nested (expressive) | 16 / 1 | Regular / 400 |
There are two types of lists: unordered and ordered. In unordered lists, level 1 markers are en dashes, while level 2 markers are squares. In ordered lists, level 1 markers are numbers, and level 2 markers are letters. Both variants follow the same structural properties.
Element | Property | px / rem | Spacing token |
Item: Level 1 | margin-bottom | 0 | – |
Item: Level 2 | margin-bottom | 0 | – |
padding-left | 16 / 1 |

Structure and spacing measurements for an unordered and an ordered list | px / rem
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